Terminologia anatomica

Nomenclatura anatomica internazionale è l'organo ufficiale della nomenclatura anatomica creata congiuntamente dalla Commissione federale per Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) e le 56 associazioni aderenti alle Associazioni Internazionali di anatomisti (Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni di anatomisti, IFAA). E 'stato pubblicato nel 1998 e sostituisce il precedente standard, la Nomina Anatomica [NA]. Terminologia anatomica contiene la terminologia circa 7500 lordi umani strutture anatomiche.

Risultati 1201 - 1250 di 29616 termini.
Codice Nome latino Nomeordinamento crescente Nome (inglese) Ricerca
A12.3.12.025 V. appendicularis V. appendicularis Appendicular vein PubMed - Google
A12.3.02.105 V anterior; R. anterior V anterior; R. anterior Anterior vein; Anterior branch PubMed - Google
A12.3.02.305 V. anterior; R. anterior V. anterior; R. anterior Antenor vein; Anterior branch PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.031 V. anterior septi pellucidi V. anterior septi pellucidi Anterior vein of septum pellucidum PubMed - Google
A12.3.05.019 V. angularis V. angularis Angular vein PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.012 V. anastomotica superior V. anastomotica superior Superior anastomotic vein PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.010 V. anastomotica inferior V. anastomotica inferior Inferior anastomotic vein PubMed - Google
A12.3.07.001 Vena azygos Vena azygos Azygos vein PubMed - Google
A12.3.00.001 Venae Venae Veins PubMed - Google
A12.0.00.030 Vena Vena Vein PubMed - Google
A12.0.00.030 Vena Vena Vein PubMed - Google
A12.0.00.030 Vena Vena Vein PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.719 Velum medullare superius Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.007 Velum medullare superius Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.721 Velum medullare inferius Velum medullare inferius Inferior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.719 Velum medullare superius Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.007 Velum medullare superius Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.721 Velum medullare inferius Velum medullare inferius Inferior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A03.0.00.030 Villi synoviales Villi synoviales Synovial villi PubMed - Google
A03.0.00.030 Villi synoviales Villi synoviales Synovial villi PubMed - Google
A05.6.01.011 Villi intestinales Villi intestinales Intestinal villi PubMed - Google
A05.6.01.011 Villi intestinales Villi intestinales Intestinal villi PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.007 Velum medullare superius Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.719 Velum medullare superius Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A14.1.05.721 Velum medullare inferius Velum medullare inferius Inferior medullary velum PubMed - Google
A12.3.07.018 Venae columnae vertebralis Venae columnae vertebralis Veins of vertebral column PubMed - Google
A12.3.07.023 Vv. medullae spinalis Vv. medullae spinalis Veins of spinal cord PubMed - Google
A15.3.03.135 Vv. ductuum semicircularium Vv. ductuum semicircularium Veins of semicircular ducts PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.048 Vv. medullae oblongatae Vv. medullae oblongatae Veins of medulla oblongata PubMed - Google
A12.3.01.001 venae cordis venae cordis veins of heart PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.035 Vv. nuclei caudati Vv. nuclei caudati Veins of caudate nucleus PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.038 Venae trunci encephali Venae trunci encephali Veins of brainstem PubMed - Google
A12.3.00.001 Venae Venae Veins PubMed - Google
A15.3.03.134 V. aqueductus vestibuli V. aqueductus vestibuli Vein of vestibular aqueduct PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.014 V. uncialis V. uncialis Vein of uncus PubMed - Google
A15.3.03.138 V. scalae vestibuli V. scalae vestibuli Vein of scala vestibuli PubMed - Google
A15.3.03.139 V. scalae tympani V. scalae tympani Vein of scala tympani PubMed - Google
A12.3.05.039 V. canalis pterygoidei V. canalis pterygoidei Vein of pterygoid canal PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.023 V. gyri olfactorii V. gyri olfactorii Vein of olfactory gyrus PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.054 V. recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti V. recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti Vein of lateral recess of fourth ventricle PubMed - Google
A15.3.03.143 V. fenestrae cochleae V. fenestrae cochleae Vein of cochlear window PubMed - Google
A15.3.03.136 V. aqueductus cochleae V. aqueductus cochleae Vein of cochlear aqueduct PubMed - Google
A12.3.05.004 V. aqueductus cochleae V. aqueductus cochleae Vein of cochlear aqueduct PubMed - Google
A12.3.06.055 V. cisternae cerebellomedullaris V. cisternae cerebellomedullaris Vein of cerebellomedullary cistern PubMed - Google
A12.3.10.023 V. bulbi penis V. bulbi penis Vein of bulb of penis PubMed - Google
A12.0.00.030 Vena Vena Vein PubMed - Google
A04.2.04.005 Venter inferior Venter inferior Inferior belly PubMed - Google
A05.3.01.004 Fornix pharyngis Fornix pharyngis Vault of pharynx PubMed - Google
